Friday, April 26, 2013

Motherhood: A Descent Into Madness: ADIOS, Amigos!

--?As most of you know, I'm heading off to Mexico with I Like Beer and Babies. Since my flight to her part of the country leaves well before the asscrack of dawn,?I'm currently in a very posh hotel by the airport, in a prime real-estate room that fronts the pool and boasts a constantly running toilet. I actually checked the mattress for bedbugs. I'm stressing out about using the wireless connection, fearful that all my passwords are going to be stolen and next thing I know, someone will be posting animal porn on here and I'll lose all my readers.?

Actually? I know that if a hacker did post about animal porn on here, you guys would totally think I did it and probably not even bat an eye.

Anyway, I won't be blogging while there (unless something truly epic happens), because I'll?not be terribly sober, and I typically stay off the internet and don't communicate with people when I'm three sheets to the wind. FOR THEIR SAKE.

However, I'll make an exception to the rule- as I have a few times in the past- and post to Facebook and Twitter here and there (when we hit a free wifi spot). So if you're not following me there, go do that so you can see pictures of the gorgeous beach and booze dispensers in our room and become so enraged that you unfollow. Just kidding. It'll be fun. So hurry, go follow if you haven't already.

I most definitely will blog about the trip upon returning home. I have NO doubt that there will be stories to tell.?

You want to know what sucks? For the first time in like 10 years, I have a?cold sore. WHAT A BAG OF DICKS. (The cold sore is not from that, though...) I'm about to leave on vacation, and I get a cold sore. It hurts, too, especially when I laugh or smile and that blows because GUESS WHAT? That's ALL I'm going to be doing the next few days. Whatever. Things could be worse.

Regardless, it goes without saying that I'm beyond excited. I'm so excited that my head has caved in on itself. I started packing?two weeks?before the trip. It's going to be so nice to wake up on my own (or when Julie's colon explodes) and not have my first thought be?NOOOO! FUUCK! NANNY! NANNY! Oh wait, we don't have one. DAMN IT.

We both need to have a couple of days where our biggest concern is what beach to go to and if our drinks are cold enough.

It's going to be awesome, and then make the week upon returning home?brutal. I know, you won't feel sorry for me. I don't expect you to.

And the biggest thank you in the world goes out to my family who made this possible by caring for the boys in my absence. I'm pretty sure that Nate flipped me off after the door shut behind me when I left. I understand. I'd flip me off, too.


--?When I was cleaning up some categories on the blog, I realized that I never posted on here any news regarding my submission to the Listen To Your Mother Show. I submitted a story on the deadline and they responded that they had too many submissions and couldn't take mine.?

I'm sure they just didn't want me and that's totally fine. I'm happy that the spot went to someone who probably wasn't doubting their desire to be on the show. I also watched some clips of previous shows and it's?obvious?that I wouldn't be a good fit. They made a very wise choice to not allow me on. To all the people who did make it on throughout the country, I hope you have a GREAT show! Break a leg!

Until next time...


tulsa shooting doug fister the perfect storm mickelson how to tie a tie sweet potato recipes the sound of music

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